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Turn on the TV or spend some time online and it is impossible to avoid omega-3 fatty acids. Across the media, adverts and various health experts promote their virtues and recommend that you include oily fish in your diet. Naturally, some people simply write off omega-3 as the latest superfood fad that will soon disappear.

In reality, this could not be further from the truth because the human body needs omega-3 fatty acids to function. They are just as important as the vitamins and minerals we need to stay fit and healthy, making omega-3 an essential part of our diet. What are omega-3 fatty acids, why do we need them, and how do you find the best supplements?

What are Omega-3 Fatty Acids?

Omega-3 fatty acids are one of the body’s basic building blocks and are essential for good health. Although important, our body cannot make any omega-3, so we obtain these fatty acids from our diet. Two key omega-3 fatty acids are docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), found in seafood.

Although most types of fish contain some omega-3, coldwater oily fish, including mackerel, tuna, salmon, sardines, and herring, are particularly rich sources. Fish absorb EPA and DHA from the phytoplankton they eat, which fed on the microalgae that synthesise these fatty acids. In many animals, including humans, they play an important role throughout the body.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids and the Body

In the human body, omega-3 fatty acids support many key physiological functions. Some of these include:

  • Cell membranes
  • Nervous system
  • Brain
  • Retina
  • Cardiovascular health
  • Endocrine system
  • Providing energy

Every cell in your body has a porous phospholipid membrane that acts as a protective barrier while letting important chemicals pass through. EPA and DHA are crucial because they help the body manufacture the ‘healthy cholesterol’ needed for strong cell membranes. DHA is also crucial for the brain, retina, and sperm, and helps developing embryos and babies during the first six months of life.

The body uses Omega-3 fatty acids to form special compounds called eicosanoids, which are signalling molecules that play a vital role in the cardiovascular system and the immune system. Eicosanoids also support our endocrine system, which produces the hormones needed to keep our body in balance. These important functions of EPA and DHA mean that including them in your diet can bring a range of positive health benefits.

The Health Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Because Omega-3 fatty acids are so important to the body, they bring a number of health benefits. Over the years, research into EPA and DHA suggests that they can help prevent cardiovascular problems, eye disease, asthma, and inflammatory problems. One of the most important health benefits is cardiovascular health. EPA and DHA can:

  • Reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease
  • Lower the likelihood of sudden cardiac death
  • Slow the production of plaque in arteries
  • Reduce the inflammation that leads to atherosclerosis
  • Lower the risk of arrhythmia causing fatal heart attacks

In general, DHA and EPA prevent damage to arteries, lower blood pressure, and reduce the risk of developing serious cardiovascular problems. They also slow the production of triglycerides in the liver, which significantly increase the risk of heart disease. Omega-3 fatty acids can reduce the risk of blood clots forming in arteries by stopping platelets from clumping together, helping to prevent strokes.

A number of researchers have suggested that omega-3 helps infant development, including higher birth weight, a healthy brain, and better visual development, making DHA and EPA particularly important for pregnant women. As another potential benefit, omega-3 oils could slow cognitive decline in some adults by preventing the build up of protein deposits called amyloids in the brain. With all of these benefits, there is little doubt that high omega-3 in the diet improves health, so how do you find the right supplements?

Omega-3 Supplements

Although EPA and DHA are present in every single cell, the only source is diet, making supplements essential for some people. The recommended dosages for DHA and EPA vary according to diet, age, and health, but organizations such as the WHO recommend between 200-500mg per day. If you have high blood pressure, or are at risk of developing cardiovascular problems, your doctor will advise the right dose. Many health authorities recommend that pregnant women take omega-3 oils daily during pregnancy and lactation to help a baby’s vital organs and vision develop.

Fish oil supplements vary in quality and some contain far less omega-3 than you need. Generally, a high quality supplement will have at least 300mg of omega-3 per 1,000mg serving. Better products contain at least 500mg of DHA/EPA and maximize the health benefits through high quality oils and advanced processing techniques. Another advantage of premium supplements is that processing removes any traces of mercury that can accumulate in fish. 

Some cheaper fish oils contain EPA and DHA in the form of ethyl esters, which your body does not absorb as easily as phospholipids, triglycerides, or free fatty acids. Low quality supplements can even be impure and do not contain the right level of omega-3. Omega-3 fatty acids can oxidise and lose effectiveness, so try to find a brand with an antioxidant and avoid out-of-date supplements.


Finding the Best Omega-3 Supplements

If you want to make sure you are taking the right dose and protecting your health, always look for a trusted brand with recommendations from health organisations. One such example is Omega Frisk from Norsk Pharma, which has passed the stringent Norwegian regulations. As an added bonus, if you want to protect the environment, reputable brands promote sustainable fishing. Look for a certificate from the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) or similar organisations.

Overall, omega-3 fatty acids are not just another expensive superfood with few real benefits. They are crucial to health and bring a host of long-term benefits. Making sure that you take premium quality supplements, such as Omega Frisk, can protect you from a range of debilitating conditions.